Social media & technology blog
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Writing your Social Media Community Guidelines
One of my mantras is that social media is a setting, and like all settings, there are aspects that can damage health or improve our health. Tools like community guidelines and moderation are mediating factors to creating healthy settings. It’s essential for...
The best articles and commentary about Covid-19 health communication
There’s been some really valuable commentary and research on health communication and vaccine information during the pandemic. I’ve been keeping a list for myself in one of my Trello boards, but I thought I’d share all of the articles I have collated with the world....
Facebook is removing ‘Analytics’ and what this means for you
The announcement Facebook has announced they are removing their stand-alone Analytics tool effective June 30 2021. Cue panic! What does this mean? I have had a number of clients contact me who are concerned about losing access to their important data. My...
28 Mentoring Questions for Mentees and Mentors
Mentoring, on both sides of the fence, has been instrumental to my career development. The best mentors are the ones you respect and admire. They have gone before you and have been in the trenches. They are honest and kind, and therefore mentees can respect when they...
Work from home lessons I’ve learned the hard way
I’ve been working from home for the best part of the last decade. Some of that time was partially at home and some office time, some of that time was mostly at home and partially at a co-working space, but most recently I’ve been 100% at home. Here are some of...
Social media content ideas for Valentine’s Day
You don’t need to be cupid to make your followers fall in love with your content on Valentine’s Day. You just need a little advanced thinking, a pun or two relating to your organisation, and of course plenty of emojis. Over the years I’ve seen some fantastic...
Why was Celeste Barber’s fundraiser so successful?
It's been fascinating and heartwarming to watch the incredible fundraising efforts of Celeste Barber - $40 million in 4 days, at the time of publishing this article the amount is over $50 million. It's been confirmed that the fundraiser is the highest in Facebook's...
20 Digital Resolutions for 2020
No one really wants to hear about all the pilates I’ll be doing next year, rather let’s talk about social media strategy and what I’ll be doing differently in 2020 and beyond. Digital platforms are ever-changing and therefore our strategies must evolve too. A great...
14 questions I ask myself when approached to speak for free
By Kristy Schirmer When I receive an email invitation to speak at a conference or event it always feels like a privilege. However, the internal deliberations begin usually by the second sentence of the email invitation, at the point where it becomes clear if the offer...
My experience of gaslighting at work
By Kristy Schirmer I experienced gaslighting at work. It’s not something I’ve openly discussed before as it can feel at best unprofessional, and at worst, weak. My professionalism and strength are personal traits I want to uphold, but I feel I need to talk and share...
Top tips for advocacy in health promotion
Guest post by Aimee Brownbill and Stefania Velardo Top tips for advocacy in health promotion Do Know precisely what you want and identify your target. Have clear key points of what you want to achieve through your advocacy effort and keep it simple (aim for no...
10 lessons from Problogger Evolve 2017
This was my first Problogger Event (#PBEvent) and I'm delighted to say it was well worth the investment to attend. Here is my review of Problogger Evolve and recap of what I learned during the 2017 conference and mastermind. These have been condensed from 15 pages of...
Guest Blog: Australian Health Promotion Association (SA Branch) Report from World Congress on Public Health
Guest Blog: Australian Health Promotion Association (SA Branch) Report from World Congress on Public Health What were the key themes from the World Congress on Public Health? Presentations from the World Congress of Public Health collectively highlighted the...
Report from World Congress on Public Health 2017
“Voices, vision, action” Reflections from the World Congress on Public Health By Kristy Schirmer “Voices, vision, action” set the energetic tone for the 15th World Congress on Public Health (#WCPH2017) with “action” the resonating message that we need to...
Guest Blogging Guidelines
We welcome guest bloggers! Check out our guest blogging guidelines if you would like to be featured on the Zockmelon blog. All blog posts are clearly attributed to the author, yourself, as the guest blogger. Blogs posts are unpaid and you own the...
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Whether you need to run through your social media strategy, want training for your team, would like more information about our 6-week online course, or looking for a speaker for your next conference, let’s connect.

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Let’s work together
Whether you need to run through your social media strategy, want training for your team, would like more information about our 6-week online course, or looking for a speaker for your next conference, let’s connect.